Monday, November 27, 2006

Those Were the Gays My Friend..

Peter Tatchell, writing on CiF, makes the point that sexuality is a cultural construct, and that when the battle for HBT rights is won, there will be no need for terms of differentiation such as homo-, hetero-, or bi-sexual (or bio-sexual, but that's a different story), and they will disappear. He makes a convincing argument for this, but he failed to make the obvious analogy with race. So I made it for him. And then threw in a little taunt at the fundamentalist atheists, just for good measures.

Peter, I think you're right in claiming that the rigid definitions of sexuality will fade, but it doesn't necessarily follow that the hostility of some sections of society to homosexual acts will dissappear. As you point out, the church deemed these acts sinful even before the construct of homosexuality existed, and as spaceg0at points out, religion is likely to resist change. It's interesting that two of the most harmful constructs in society today: race and sexuality, are products of the enlightenment. I've yet to see Dawkins and Grayling acknowledge the root of this evil and call for the banning of science. I also doubt this will happen anytime soon.


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