Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Independence and de-evolution

David Cox, writing in CiF, makes a case for Scottish independence based upon the provocative assertion that the UK would be better off without Scotland. I'm a big supporter of independence, but I couldn't let the nationalist slur go unchallenged. At least, not without returning the favour:

"The English would also be freed from the drag on their development caused by backward attitudes north of the border."

Strange, my favourite argument for independence is the exact opposite. I look forward to a revitalised Scottish nation embracing Europe (and hopefully the Euro). Freed from the xenophobic little englander masses who still rue the loss of an empire, Scotland could build a progressive social democratic nation in the image of the scandanavian countries.

It will take independence to see which one of us is right, but think, a Tory majority in England will be all but secured for the foreseeable future (locked in by a first past the post parliament), whereas a centre-left coalition is all but guaranteed by Scotlands PR system. Are you still so sure of who are the regressives?

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